Health Screening
Health screening helps your employees minimise their health risks and maximise their well-being. Summit Occupational Health and Safety Services can provide comprehensive and confidential health and wellness screening to your employees offering advice on diet, lifestyle and fitness.
Following an assessment your employees may be re-assured that they are in good health and take efforts to maintain their health, or take early action to prevent illness.
The benefits to your organisation include reduced absence, improved staff morale, and increased productivity.
Health assessments take approximately 30 – 45 minutes.
Such assessments can include:
1. Review of confidential questionnaire
2. Blood pressure
3. Urinalysis
4. Cholesterol screening
5. Vision screening
6. Weight
7. Body fat
8. Lifestyle and fitness advice
Health screening can be performed on-site using Summit’s Mobile Medical unit minimising disruption to your workforce and production.